Mission statement

The Mission Statement of the RSHM develops the RSHM motto taken from John 10, 10'Ut vitam habeant' - That all may have life.

              "THAT ALL MAY HAVE LIFE"



We, the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, an international apostolic institute of women religious, are called to share in the life-giving mission of Jesus Christ.




The challenge of the gospel and the spirit of faith and zeal of our founders
urge us to respond to the needs of our time…
... and work with others …


… at the service of those who are most in need of justice.


We are called to be community,
to know and celebrate God’s love for us
and to make that love known to others.


Mary is our model as we seek to be open to the Spirit,
to centre our lives in Jesus Christ,
to be women of prayer and compassion
and to give authentic and joyful witness to
the values of the gospel
wherever we are.