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Exchange May 2008










Terezinha spent just six weeks during March and April improving her English (she was already quite fluent).  She attended a language course in South Kensington and her daily journey on “my Piccadilly Line” to “my school” also gave her memorable phrases such as “Mind the Gap”.  We explained that this will probably be useful later on during congregational planning as she tries to match our aspirations with our resources! 







                provide extra tuition!


She also had extra tuition from the Ealing and Grange Road Communities, in particular from Céline and André. Over the weeks Terezinha met several sisters visiting the Provincial House, unfortunately her school and Generalate homework meant that her visits to other communities in the Province were limited. 













           Terezinha with Brendan                               and Marie Pierre


                               Terezinha with the Arrowsmith community


A long weekend at the end of her course meant that she was able to visit Liverpool and Penmaenmawr.  This was an opportunity for her to meet Sisters in the area and Pierre, with whom she had been in community in the Mother House, and Mary Jo and Patrice who knew her well from Brazil.  We shall miss her warm, friendly presence and spirit of earnest enquiry that made her a five star student!


 Margaret, Terezinha and De Lourdes                  Patsy, Terezinha and Eleanor


                                     Agnes, Catherine, Terezinha and Patsy


         Goodbye and Congratulations! You have passed with flying colours!








  VISIT TO MONIQUE:  Arthez d'Asson        Barbara 


Just a ½ hour by car from Lourdes in the Pyrenees this must surely be the corner of the Province with the most magnificent scenery. 



The view from her front door encompasses snowcapped mountains, mountain streams, meadows brilliant with spring flowers and scattered homesteads.  It is quite breathtaking when the sun is shining and tantalizing when shrouded in grey mist, which I also experienced. 





Monique has served in the Parish of Notre Dame de Piémont for over thirty years.  The parish is widespread, encompassing ten villages and it can take an hour to reach the furthest point in the parish from where she lives.  These days there is just one parish priest.  The population in general has increased but the numbers in the Christian Community are diminishing.  Even so, Monique’s ministry of walking with these people over the years, ministering to their pastoral and catechetical needs is still full time and very much appreciated.  It was good to receive a warm welcome from Monique, Abbé Joseph and some parishioners and to see her still with the vigour and enthusiasm to continue.











Bernadette McNamara


You will read on the web about the International Formation Commisssion   IFC which took place in Belo Horizonte, Brazil from March 30th to April the 8th 2008. Please browse through to see our pictures!!! (Generalate website - Newsletter) As a member of the Mother House community I had the joy and the privilege to participate in this meeting



What a great week! We shared our hopes, our questions and our enthusiasm about Formation to day. The visibility of the international novitiate made all questions so real as we talk of Formation moving into the future…. What does the new vision mean?  How does the fact of living to the full our call as religious give birth to a lived experience of vocation awareness?   We helped each other through the exchange of our lived experiences, and our hopes.







As participants of the group, we all agreed that we need to trust and allow life to flourish wherever we are. Let God accomplish what is new. 


Besides the meeting I was able to visit again with the sisters and experience first hand the dynamism and the vibrancy of the local church and   the communities.  I had been there 20 years ago and visited as General Councillor as well as studying Portuguese.  It would be impossible to name people!  These are precious moments and I feel very grateful to have had that opportunity


I have to add that the biodiversity amazed me once again but the camera cannot capture all the beauty.




MILLENIUM GROUP             Kathleen O'Keeffe and Agnes Hunt           













The Millennium Group Sisters, meeting at Marino Conference Centre from 5-7 May, were blessed with wonderful weather and comfortable accommodation.  We soon got to grips with the complexity of sleeping, dining and Conference Rooms, which were well dispersed and a challenge for the “hip and knee” club!  We were sixteen in all and were delighted to welcome Anne (Murphy), Patrice and Philippa among us.


Beyond Boundaries there be Monsters!


Our first presentation was creatively illustrated in music and image by Anne in her synthesis of Marie Chin's address to the General Chapter. Anne led us in exploring the Chapter theme: transcending Boudaries for the sake of mission. 








Our desires, like ‘nudges’ from God that may disturb complacency, involve action

together, digging deep, enkindling, making room, welcoming, finding new images, symbols and myths to express a right relationship with God, ourselves and creation.
: working







We are encouraged to dig in our Gospel heels to transform boundaries into meeting places where grace unfold because‘at the edges of our borders,

God waits . . .’








This résumé was set within a framework of prayer:

opening with a reflection on Ps 139 set to music,

words and unforgettable images and ending with

'The Deer’s Cry' in similar setting. 


The final words, “I Arise Today”, provided a significant inspiration and invitation to dig in our ‘Gospel heels’.




  Some thoughts on Leadership


Patrice and Philippa based their presentation on an address to the Provincial Council by Diarmuid O’Murchu.  Theyspoke about a more creative and challenging understanding of leadership:  leadership as empowerment engaging all members, leadership that calls forth the adult in the Discipleship of Equals.


The thirteen principles central to empowering people to be their adult selves led to a lively discussion on the leadership topic.  One of the principles debated at some length was: ‘Adults empower by giving away their power and this doe not leave them feeling weak or diminished.’ The principle left room for further reflection, discussion and practice in an adult way!





 Human Trafficking



on ‘under our noses’.

Patsy, a member of the JPIC Group, spoke very movingly of her experience and involvement in the ministry focused on the   

                  Trafficking of Women and Children,

and on the groups like TRACT, she engages with. 


What was so touching was Patsy’s own caring, reverential attitude to the vulnerable women and children open to abuse and being abused at this moment.  We were amazed to hear that trafficking is the second fastest-growing business internationally and that it is going





  Free Afternoon




OnTuesday p.m., 6 May, some Sisters enjoyed a glorious few hours in the Botanic Gardens nearby. Some went to town while others attended a Gailhac Trustees Meeting in 70 Drumcondra.  Yet others prepared for an evening get-together, purchasing drinks, nuts, crisps etc.  Three ‘Sunflowers’, Ellen, Madeleine and Mary, arrived somewhat late for the feasting, having spent forty minutes in the building trying to locate us, and nobody could offer them any help.  It was great to see them.





  Next Year




Since it had been agreed in 2007 that we would have one meeting in Penmaenmawr in 2009, we did no further discussion on future developments.